FEAT Fitness Background
Winter FEAT

84 Sunrises, together

At FEAT we embrace the outdoors. We thrive in an environment that challenges us to get comfortable with the uncomfortable. And best of all, we cheer each other on in the process. No matter the season we’re in!

There is so much in our lives designed to make everything easier and more comfortable. We have such amazing technology at our fingertips that we can literally click a button and a three-course meal will be driven to our door. We can sit on our couch and tell the computer to turn the lights on. We’re constantly conditioned to seek comfort. Which is great - who doesn’t love a faster/easier way to accomplish things in their busy schedules? But…by getting outside your comfort zone (literally), you can challenge your body and mind to reach new levels.

That’s what Winter FEAT is all about!

Training through winter and committing to getting to each session you said you would attend, builds a solid foundation for our physical and mental resolve which translates into the rest of our lives.

Winter FEAT Dip - the Final Event
Winter FEAT Obstacle Course

What is Winter FEAT?

Winter FEAT is a 12-week challenge where you and your training community get to amass points through your commitment and follow-through. Winter FEAT is centred around our core principles of COMMUNITY and FUN.

Throughout winter, we bring endless amounts of play down to the park to our training sessions. We get our bodies moving, we participate in challenges, and we support each other every step of the way.

Training through the cooler part of the year isn’t always easy. It’s darker when your alarm goes off, every part of your brain might tell you to stay inside, stay comfortable. When you commit to Winter FEAT you never take the easy option. And because it’s not easy, it’s truly fulfilling and fun, whilst the rewards for your physical, mental and spiritual health are bountiful.


To join FEAT Fitness and our Winter FEAT competition, start with your no obligation free week trial today!

Simply complete our Free Trial form, and one of our friendly trainers will contact you to get started.


28 May 2022

Winter FEAT 2022 begins! We kick off the competition with our North & South Session starting in Bradfield Park.

20 August 2022

We send off the Winter FEAT competition with our Winter FEAT Dip in Balmoral in the morning.

27 August 2022

We celebrate all our efforts with our Winter FEAsT.

There are many other events during the competition listed below!



At the end of the Winter FEAT competition, there will be 2 prizes of 6 months free training!

There are two ways to win one of the free training prizes:

  1. Be crowned the Winter FEAT winner; or
  2. Win the lucky draw at the FEAsT, everyone in the winning team plus the top 2 performers from all teams will be in the running to win this prize.


To be crowned the winner of the Winter FEAT competition you need to collect as many points as you can! Points are earned through your commitment to yourself and training throughout the 12 weeks.

Reply to the Sunday Text before 4 pm - 1 point
Attend all the sessions you said you would - 5 points
Attending an outdoor wet weather session - 2 points
Attending social events or mega sessions - 1 point
Attending a regular Saturday session - 1 point
Attending a team colour event in your teams colour - 1 point
Bring a friend for a two-week trial - 5 points
Bring a friend to a 'Friends Friday Session' - 1 point




To join FEAT Fitness and our Winter FEAT competition, start with your no obligation free week trial today!

Simply complete our Free Trial form, and one of our friendly trainers will contact you to get started.


If you still have questions, you can also check out our general faqs page